FLOATING DEVICE FOR WASTE OF ENERGY OF WAVE FOR PERCOLATING NOVELTY - The floating device has recycled closed floating elements containing air inside. The elements have cylindrical shape with a body that is tapered at an end and are grouped to form a module to achieve the desired extension modules positioned side by side. The [...]
superficies conceived for scattering and diffusion acoustics of the incident sonorous waves 0 Main Application Field Q43 (General building constructions (E04B)) INVENTORS: MANNIS JOSE AUGUSTO 163_ACUSTICA Patent number: BR200706138-A2 PATENT STATUS: For information contact Inova Unicamp FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: parcerias@inova.unicamp.br +55 (19) 3521-5207 / 2607 This technology profile has been automatically generated.
Genetic deafness testing technique consists of total blood sampling and lyophylised amplification reaction with normal and mutant primers NOVELTY - The genetic deafness testing technique comprises detection of 35deIG mutation in the conexin 26 gene, using e.g. total blood samples. Also claimed is apparatus implementing the process. USE - In biology. Main Application Field B04 [...]