Method for purifying immunoglobulin G from human or animal serum by gel chromatography, involves diluting immunoglobulin with buffer, and injecting diluted immunoglobulin into chromatography column
Set of titanate heterogeneous photocatalysis nano tubes includes products of hydrothermal treatment of an anatase suspension in highly alkaline medium
Semi-purification and extraction method for plasma protein of human blood, involves migrating some protein fractions for superior phase and other remains in inferior phase
Method for classifying and determining rate of sweetness in sugars or saccharides, involves hybridizing sugars by X-ray spectrometry technique combined with chemometrics for determining rate of sweetness in sugars
Mimicry kit used for studying pathophysiological and pharmacological conditions occurring at interface between systemic circulation and central nervous system, comprises co-culturing device and immortalized human glial cells
Optic Sensor of high sensitivity for evaluation of combustible adulteration employing nets of long period
Chromatographic paper separation device, has electrochemical micro cell made of gold and provided with working electrode, reference electrode, auxiliary electrode and insulating material, where auxiliary electrode is rectangular in shape