Manufacturing biocompatible collagen membrane used in medicine and dentistry, involves using raw material selected from natural tissues rich in collagen of cattle and pigs
NOVELTY – Biocompatible collagen membrane manufacturing involves using raw material selected from natural tissues rich in collagen of cattle and pigs. The selected raw material is cleaned by mechanical cleaning process to remove residual material. The cleaned material is treated by using lipase and detergent at 50- 65 degrees C in hydrochloric acid to promote removal of fat tissues. USE – Method for manufacturing biocompatible collagen membrane used in medicine and dentistry (claimed). ADVANTAGE – The method enables to manufacture the biocompatible collagen membrane having improved tensile strength greater than the available similar products in the market in a cost-effective manner. The manufactured membrane can be more easily manipulated and sutured in required areas. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) – The drawing shows a schematic longitudinal view of a porcine small intestinal submucosa.
Main Application Field
B04 (Natural products and polymers. Including testing of body fluids (other than blood typing or cell counting), pharmaceuticals or veterinary compounds of unknown structure, testing of microorganisms for pathogenicity, testing of chemicals for mutagenicity or human toxicity and fermentative production of DNA or RNA. General compositions.); D22 (Sterilising, bandages, dressing and skin protection agents – including sterilising agents (other than for food), sutures, plaster casts, bioactive prostheses, contact lenses, diapers, animal litter, timber, preservatives, disinfectants, bactericidal detergents, deodorants, insect repellent compounds, moth proofers, sheep dip (A61L).); D21 (Preparations for dental or toilet purposes – including filling alloys, compositions for dentures or dental impressions, anti-caries chewing gum, plaque disclosing compositions, toothpastes, cosmetics, shampoos, topical anti-sunburn compositions and toilet soaps (A61K).); P34 (Sterilising, syringes, electrotherapy (A61L, M, N).)
Patent number: WO2011000071-A1;BR200902410-A2
For information contact Inova Unicamp
+55 (19) 3521-5207 / 2607
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