Kit and cover for collecting eluate during solid phase extraction methods
NOVELTY – The cover has a unit for engaging the cartridges (5), an eluate driving tube (6), a vacuum channel (11), an adapter base (7) for coupling to a region of a vacuum pipe (8), a cover (10) of an eluate collection bottle and seal rings (9). The cover is formed with a socket by a screw or by pressure. The eluate is collected in collecting the tubes without inserting in the vacuum chamber. USE – Cover for use in a kit (Claimed) for collecting the eluate for use in the solid phase extraction process in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and Biotechnology laboratories and industries. ADVANTAGE – The adapter base is provided for coupling to a region of a vacuum pipe, where the eluate is collected in collecting the tubes without inserting in the vacuum chamber, and thus ensures reduced number of stops and contamination during the process through the eluate collecting cover. DETAILED DESCRIPTION – An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is included for a kit for collecting eluate. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) – The drawing shows a schematic perspective view of an eluate collecting cover. Cartridge engaging unit (5) Eluate driving tube (6) Adapter base (7) Vacuum pipe (8) Seal rings (9) Eluate collection bottle cover (10) Vacuum channel (11)
Main Application Field
B04 (Natural products and polymers. Including testing of body fluids (other than blood typing or cell counting), pharmaceuticals or veterinary compounds of unknown structure, testing of microorganisms for pathogenicity, testing of chemicals for mutagenicity or human toxicity and fermentative production of DNA or RNA. General compositions.); D16 (Fermentation industry – including fermentation equipment, brewing, yeast production, production of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals by fermentation, microbiology, production of vaccines and antibodies, cell and tissue culture and genetic engineering.); J01 (Separation – including evaporation, crystallisation, solvent extraction, chromatography, dialysis, osmosis including drying gases and/or vapours, and separation of solids from gases, liquids and other solids. Isotope separation, filter materials (including molecular sieves for separation), and centrifuges (except where used for analysis) (B01D, B03, B04, B07B).); J04 (Chemical/physical processes/apparatus – including catalysis, catalysts (excluding specific e.g. enzymatic or polymerisation catalysts), colloid chemistry, laboratory apparatus and methods, testing, controlling, general encapsulation, detection and sampling (excluding clinical testing) (B01J, L).)