Device of drying for heat bomb
NOVELTY – The device has an evaporator, compressor, condenser, expansion device, drying chamber, centrifugal fan, air distributor and a shield for isolating the condenser constituted of coils, where width of the device is 0.46 m, height is 0.94 m and depth is 0.35 m. The condenser is refrigerated by natural convection with air environment. A spice and a grass are grouped as dried leaves of herbs. The evaporator is dehumidified by the drying chamber. USE – Drying device for heat pump to dry food product. ADVANTAGE – The device reduces water activity of perishable products for level of secure storage, prevents a microbiological development, reduces consumption of energy, and dries food to obtain greater useful life. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING(S) – The drawing shows a schematic view of a drying device for drying air recirculation.'(Drawing includes non-English language text)’
Main Application Field
D13 (Other foodstuffs and treatment – including preservation of food, milk, milk products, butter substitutes, edible oils and fats, non-alcoholic beverages, artificial sweeteners, food additives and animal feed (A23B-L).); Q76 (Drying (F26))
Patent number: BR102013011126-A2
For information contact Inova Unicamp
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