Ionic nitrate furnace comprises multiple cathodes, where plasma is pulsed separately to each cathode using pulsed plasma technology according to specific requirements of load distributed in each region
NOVELTY – The furnace comprises multiple cathodes, where plasma is pulsed separately to each cathode using pulsed plasma technology. The plasma is pulsed according to the specific requirements of the load distributed in each region. The furnace is divided into a set of charges in parallel with a low inductance and an increased capacitance. USE – Ionic nitrate furnace. ADVANTAGE – The furnace is divided into a set of charges in parallel with a low inductance and an increased capacitance, thus the effects combine to reduce the time of growth of discharge, with the discharge being raised by a pulsed source, which presents an inductive-capacitive load that limits the growth in the current of plasma in each pulse.
Main Application Field
M13 (Coating material with metals, diffusion processes, enamelling and vitreous coatings – including coating from liquid metal or solution, spraying, cementation, cathodic sputtering, enamelling and oilfree lubricant coatings, but not coatings for the production of semiconductors (C23C, D).); Q77 (Furnaces, kilns, ovens, retorts (F27))
Patent number: BR200700308-A
+55 (19) 3521-5207 / 2607
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