Orthodontic device for correcting abnormal teeth growth, has plate that corrects teeth position, favors normal eruption of incisors, eliminates problems of deglutition, favors growth of jaw and promotes normal breathing
Manufacturing carbon nanotubes and nanofibers used for treating malaria and cancer, involves pre-treating substrate, drying pre-treated substrate, and adding dried substrate into chemical vapor deposition reactor
Obtaining method for porous membranes of silk fibroin, involves removing parts of sericin in silk and dissolution of fibroin in ternary solution of calcium chloride-ethanol hydrate and agitation of fibroin solution
Urethral connector for non-invasive evaluation for urodynamics has cylinder having lateral outlet that is connected to pressure transducer for draining of urine
Method for producing intermetallic monocrystalline nanowires, and intermetallic monocrystalline nanowires"
Producing polyamide-6 nanocomposite used in packaging and automotive industry, involves dissolving solid epsilon-caprolactam monomer in water, and adding dissolved material with acetic acid and sodium clay or organoclay
Device for recording and measuring angles of right and left functional mandibular movements for use in children and adults through intra-oral technique, has eye frame provided with distal projection
use of the bands of hunter-schreger of biometrico the dental enamel as parametro for human and animal identity